Looking for the best type of car insurance that will provide a low insurance premium can be done. There are some requirements to ensure that the insurance premium will be at the lowest level that you can get. Staying away from cars that are classified as sports cars is one of the key techniques for low premiums to be enacted.
Tip 1. Stay away from aesthetic modifications.
It is nice to see a car with spoilers on it along with the fancy wheel inserts and loud muffler systems. Attractive to be seen but in the eyes of the insurance company that type of car is a prime candidate for vandals. Modifying a car to enhance the security system is a different story though. This type of modification is what an insurance company likes to see and will reward you with discounts.
Tip 2. Pay insurance as you need it.
For people who like the availability of having a car but does not need it during the work week can pay insurance premiums as they need it. This is for the person who gets rides from co-workers or who uses the public transit system with efficiency. Using the vehicle for recreational use on the weekends can provide a marked discount for insurance premiums. A black box tracking device will be retrofitted to your vehicle to monitor the actual mileage and the days that it is being used for validation, will likely be one of the requirements as well.
Tip 3. Identifying regular drivers on the policy.
Another way to beat the insurance premium is to only identify the people who use the vehicle the majority of the time. Adding additional members to the policy for temporary purposes can be done if they drive it infrequently.
Tip 4. Driver Education.
Any type of driver education that can be received can only help the driver and end up in additional discounts for insurance premiums. Young or old, anyone that takes a course such as Pass Plus can benefit from the information given. Most insurance companies will comply with lower insurance rates if a certificate of completion can be shown.
Given these tips a person can end up paying less for car insurance premiums than a lot of other people if they are implemented.
Claire from www.comparethemarketcarinsurance.co.uk submitted this article she is on a mission to try and educate people on how to bring down their car insurance premiums take a look at her site for some simple tips and a chance to compare your options.